Module patch


patch.apply(input, patch) Returns the patched version of the input value.
patch.apply_inplace(input, patch) Applies a patch to the input value directly.
patch.join(...) Joins multiple patches into a single patch.
patch.diff(a, b) Given two tables a and b, returns a patch p such that patch.apply(a, p) == b


patch.Nil The nil updater.
patch.noop The noop updater.
patch.replace(value) Returns a replace updater.
patch.remove_i(pos) Returns a table.remove updater.
patch.insert_i(pos, value) Returns a table.insert updater.
patch.meta(metatable) Returns a setmetatable updater.
patch.chain(...) Returns an updater that has the same effect as applying each input patch left-to-right.
patch.register_updater(name, mt, update) Registers a custom updater.


patch.apply(input, patch)
Returns the patched version of the input value. Patches are a compound datatype that can be made of normal Lua values, as well as "updaters" that have specific patching strategies.


  • input the input value.
  • patch the patch to apply.


    output, undo
patch.apply_inplace(input, patch)
Applies a patch to the input value directly. This should return the same thing as patch.apply(), but the input value is left in an undefined state.


  • input the input value.
  • patch the patch to apply.


    output, undo
Joins multiple patches into a single patch. Trying to join patches that change the same field in mutually exclusive ways will raise an error.


  • ... the patches to join.


    The final patch. Note that nil is considered a no-op, so that's a valid return value.
patch.diff(a, b)
Given two tables a and b, returns a patch p such that patch.apply(a, p) == b


  • a FIXME
  • b apply allows for single-value diffs, so should we.


The nil updater. When you want to set a field to nil, use this instead of nil directly.
The noop updater. This will have the same effect as passing in a nil, but because it's a reified object you can use it where nil would cause issues.
Returns a replace updater. This is the equivalent of setting the field directly to the given value. This can be used for anything, including nil, whole tables, or other updaters.


  • value the new value.


    An opaque updater.
Returns a table.remove updater. This is equivalent to calling table.remove(tbl, pos) where tbl is the input field. If pos is omitted or is nil, the last element is removed.


  • pos int the index of the thing to remove.


    An opaque updater.
patch.insert_i(pos, value)
Returns a table.insert updater. This is equivalent to calling table.insert(tbl, pos, value) where tbl is the input field.


  • pos int the index to insert at.
  • value the value to insert.


    An opaque updater.
Returns a setmetatable updater. This is equivalent to calling setmetatable(tbl, metatable) where tbl is the input field.


  • metatable table the metatable to set.


    An opaque updater.
Returns an updater that has the same effect as applying each input patch left-to-right. The implementation strategy has special cases, but usually this will in the form of a chain updater. Contrast this with patch.join, which will return a simple precomputed patch but can't express multiple changes to the same field.


  • ... A patch


    An opaque updater
patch.register_updater(name, mt, update)

Registers a custom updater. Each updater has a name, a metatable associated with it, and an update function. When patch.apply sees an object with the associated metatable in a diff, it will use the given update() function to apply the patch.

Your update() function should have this signature:

function(original, diff, mutate) return new, undo end


  • original is the original value in the table.

  • diff is your updater object.

  • mutate will be true if your updater is allowed to directly modify the original value.

  • new is what your updater will replace original with.

  • undo can be any patch that can turn new back into original.


  • name string the name of the updater.
  • mt table the metatable each instance of the updater will share.
  • update function the update function.
generated by LDoc 1.4.5 Last updated 2016-09-01 05:47:16